Multiple vacancies in Smilax Laboratories Ltd | 60+ Openings for Freshers & Experienced in Manufacturing / QC / QA
Qualification: BSC (Chemistry) / MSC (Chemistry) / M-Pharmacy
Department : Manufacturing / QC / QA
Job Designation : Trainee Chemists 2. Trainee Analysts 3. Executives/ Senior Executives 4. Executives / Senior Executives
Salary : Rs. 12,000/- 2. Rs. 14,000/- 3 & 4. As per Industry norms
Gender: Male Candidates Only
Date of Interview: 09.02.2022
Reporting Time: 10:00 AM
Job Location: Parawada
Venue: MVR Degree & PG College in Gajuwada, Visakhapatnam
No. of Posts : 63
Registrations are Opened: For more details on eligibility visit
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